Add/Remove from Title (No Mortgage)

Sherry Anderson and her staff would be pleased to assist you with your Add/Remove transaction.  By completing this form and sending it to our office, you can start your file electronically.   If you have any questions or concerns or would rather start your file with us by via a telephone call, do not hesitate to call us at 250-635-5988.

To start your file electronically provide the following information (Do not skip questions, and ensure all spellings of names are accurate).


    Name of Person Completing Form (required)
    Current Mailing Address
    Home Phone
    Cell Phone
    Work Phone
    Contact Email (required)
    Anticipated Completion Date (Selection Required)
    Address of Property for Add or Remove
    Is this your principal residence?
    If Yes, how long has this been your principal residence?


    Is anyone being added title of the Property? YesNo (Selection Required)

    (If No, select No and skip the remainder of this section and proceed to "C Remove from Title")

    This is a transfer to (Selection Required - Do not skip)
    If other, please explain (Do not skip))

    Provide the details of the individual who is being added to title below:

    First Name (Added Individual)
    Middle Name(s) (Added Individual)
    Last Name (Added Individual)
    SIN (required, if being added to title)
    Date of Birth
    Occupation/Job Title
    Phone Number of Individual being added to title
    Email Address of Individual being added to title
    Select Citizenship
    If Other, insert country of citizenship
    Current Mailing Address of Individual being added to title
    Does the Added Individual already reside on the Property?
    If Yes, for how long? (Do not skip)

    Is there money passing hands? (Selection Required)

    If Yes, what is the amount?

    Additional Individuals to be added to title

    Briefly, explain why the individual or individuals are being added to title (Do NOT Skip -Explanation is required)

    B.1 Existing Mortgage Information

    Is there an existing mortgage on the property? YesNo (Selection Required)

    (If No, select No and skip the remainder of this section and proceed to "C Remove from Title")

    If Yes, Name of Lender
    Name of Loans Officer
    Email (if known)

    Have you obtained the Lender's Consent to the add to title? (Selection Required) YesNoWill Contact Lender

    (Note: Most Lenders will require you to obtain their consent to the add to title- Please contact your Lender if you have not already done so)


    Is anyone being removed from title of the Property ? YesNo (Selection Required)
    (If No, select No and skip the remainder of this section and proceed to "D FIRE INSURANCE INFORMATION")

    The person being remove is: (Selection Required - Do not skip)
    If other, please explain (Do not skip))

    Provide the details of the individual who is being removed below:

    First Name (Individual being Removed)
    Middle Name(s)
    Last Name
    Current Mailing Address of Individual being removed from title
    Phone Number of Individual being Removed from to title
    Email Address of Individual being Removed from title
    Is this transfer pursuant to a separation/divorce?
    If Yes, do you have a written separation agreement? (Provide copy to office)

    Is there Money passing hands? (Selection Required)

    If Yes, what is the amount and the reason for payment?

    If the transfer of the property is not pursuant to a divorce/separation explain here (Do not Skip)

    C.1 Existing Mortgage Information

    Is there an existing mortgage on the property? YesNo (Selection Required)

    (If No, select No and skip the remainder of this section and proceed to "D FIRE INSURANCE INFORMATION")

    If Yes, Provide Name of Lender?
    Approx Amt Owing?
    Name of Loans Office
    Loan's Office Phone No

    Will the existing mortgage be paid out and discharged on completion of this matter? YesNo

    If No, has Lender been advised of the transfer? (Selection Required) YesNoWill Contact Lender

    D. FIRE INSURANCE INFORMATION (not applicable, if vacant land)

    Insurance Agency Name
    Insurance Agency Phone
    Insurance Agency Fax (if known)


    Do you have any travel plans prior to the Completion Date? (selection required) YesNo
    If yes, please provide the details:


    A staff member will contact you shortly. Should you have any questions please call my office at: 250-635-5988.